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Cheeses for 4 generations
Centro Form Srl is a dairy company located in the heart of Sicily, in Aidone, a town rich in history, art and culture, located near the …
In the old town of Lari, inside the Castle, stands a large yellow building. It is the small pasta factory Pastificio Famiglia Martelli: artisan in spirit, traditional in substance. This …
The Sicilian High Pastry of Panettone
That of the Fiasconaro family is a story that begins in the 50s in Castelbuono, a small town in the Madonie Park in Sicily, and continues in Castelbuono to this day. Because it is …
The Fish Industry Conserviera Benedetto Scalia was born in Sciacca – Sicily – in 1973. The city is a terrace overlooking the splendid Mediterranean sea.
Its sea, particularly rich in fish, is mainly suited to bluefish fishing, especially anchovies and …
Nonno Nanni soft cheeses are still made to the recipes and teachings of our grandfather, with the same passion.
All this makes Nonno Nanni “the sweetest grandfather ever”.
Nonno Nanni keeps its original location in Giavera del Montello, in the …